Ways to Reduce Rising Email-Based Threats and Uphold Better Data Security

Email-based threats

Reports suggest that Email-Based threats in the eCommerce sphere have skyrocketed since 2020, and are now affecting hundreds if not millions on a daily basis. To keep your side of the street clean, and be safe, learn how to protect yourself and your business from email-based threats with our comprehensive guide. Our experts have compiled 10 actionable tips for reducing risk and maintaining better data security. Don’t let cybercriminals compromise your sensitive information – continue reading to stay safe.

Employee training and awareness programs

Employee training and awareness programs are critical to reducing rising email-based threats and upholding better data security for several reasons:

Educate employees about email-based threats: Employee training programs can help employees understand the various types of email-based threats, such as phishing, spear phishing, and social engineering. By understanding the different types of threats, employees are better equipped to recognize and report suspicious emails.

Promote safe email practices: Training programs can also teach employees safe email practices, such as not opening attachments or clicking on links from unknown senders, using strong passwords, and avoiding sharing sensitive information via email. By adopting these practices, employees can help prevent unauthorized access to sensitive information.

Reinforce organizational policies: Employee training can also reinforce organizational policies around email use and data security. This ensures that employees understand their role in maintaining data security and are more likely to comply with policies around password management, email use, and information sharing.

Foster a security-aware culture: Training programs can help foster a security-aware culture within the organization. When employees understand the importance of data security and their role in upholding it, they are more likely to be vigilant and take action to prevent threats.

Reduce human error: Many email-based threats rely on human error, such as clicking on a malicious link or downloading a virus-laden attachment. Training programs can help reduce human error by teaching employees to recognize and avoid risky behavior.

Use of strong passwords and two-factor authentication

The use of strong passwords and two-factor authentication can significantly reduce email-based threats and enhance data security. Strong passwords are typically longer and more complex, making them more difficult to guess or crack. Two-factor authentication adds an extra layer of security by requiring users to provide two forms of identification, such as a password and a unique code sent to a mobile device.

Hackers often use automated tools to guess passwords or use stolen credentials to gain access to email accounts, which can result in data breaches or phishing attacks. By using strong passwords and two-factor authentication, even if hackers obtain a user’s password, they will not be able to access the account without the second factor of authentication.

In addition to preventing unauthorized access, strong passwords and two-factor authentication can also help with email encryption and prevent email spoofing, which is a common technique used in phishing attacks. By implementing these measures, companies can reduce the likelihood of email-based threats and uphold better data security.

Implementation of email filtering and anti-virus software

Implementation of email filtering and anti-virus software is an essential step in reducing rising email-based threats and upholding better data security. Email filtering can be done using software that scans incoming emails and identifies those that are potentially harmful or spam. This can include blocking messages from known malicious sources, as well as identifying and blocking suspicious attachments and links.

Anti-virus software can detect and remove viruses, malware, and other harmful programs that can infect a computer through email attachments or links. This software can also help prevent the spread of these threats by quarantining infected files and blocking malicious websites.


Without proper email filtering and anti-virus software, employees are more likely to receive and open harmful emails, leading to potential data breaches, system crashes, and other security incidents. By implementing these measures, organizations can significantly reduce the risk of email-based threats, safeguard sensitive information, and protect the reputation of the organization. It is important to keep this software updated regularly to ensure the highest level of protection.

Regular software updates and patches

Regular software updates and patches are crucial in reducing rising email-based threats and upholding better data security because they help to address known vulnerabilities in software applications. Cybercriminals are always on the lookout for vulnerabilities to exploit, and outdated software is often an easy target for them. By regularly updating and patching software, organizations can ensure that their systems are protected against known vulnerabilities and reduce the risk of successful cyberattacks.


Updates and patches can address security weaknesses in both the operating system and applications, including email clients. Failure to keep software up-to-date can leave systems open to exploitation, and this can result in a variety of security incidents such as data breaches, malware infections, and other cyber attacks. Regular software updates and patches can help prevent these incidents and improve overall system security.

In addition to security updates, software updates and patches can also improve system performance and stability, introduce new features, and fix bugs. By keeping software up-to-date, organizations can ensure that their systems are running optimally and free of any issues that could impact productivity or cause downtime.

Encryption of sensitive data

Encryption of sensitive data can help reduce the risk of email-based threats and enhance data security. When data is encrypted, it is scrambled in a way that can only be deciphered by someone with the correct decryption key. This makes it difficult for unauthorized persons to access sensitive information if an email is intercepted or if an account is compromised.

For instance, if an email with sensitive data is intercepted, the attacker will not be able to read the content without the decryption key. Encryption ensures that sensitive data remains confidential and protects against unauthorized access or data breaches.


In addition, email encryption provides an added layer of security by encrypting emails in transit between the sender and recipient. This makes it difficult for attackers to intercept and read sensitive information. Email encryption can be implemented using various methods, such as Secure/Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (S/MIME) and Pretty Good Privacy (PGP).

By implementing encryption of sensitive data in emails, organizations can ensure the confidentiality and integrity of their data, protect against data breaches, and comply with data protection regulations.

Limited access controls and permissions

Limited access controls and permissions refer to regulating access to data, information, and computer systems. This approach is critical in reducing email-based threats and improving data security because it limits the number of people who can access sensitive information. By limiting access, organizations can prevent unauthorized access to data, accidental data leaks, or deliberate theft.

To establish limited access controls and permissions, organizations should implement a system of role-based access control. This approach involves granting access to sensitive data only to those employees who need it to perform their job responsibilities. This ensures that only authorized personnel have access to sensitive data, and reduces the risk of email-based threats such as phishing attacks, social engineering, or malware distribution.

For example, a finance department employee may require access to sensitive financial data to carry out their job duties, but an administrative assistant may not. By limiting access to only those who need it, organizations can reduce the risk of sensitive data falling into the wrong hands.

Access control policies should be reviewed regularly and updated when necessary to ensure that access rights remain appropriate and up-to-date. This will help ensure that the access control system remains effective in preventing email-based threats and maintaining data security. Additionally, regular training and awareness programs should be provided to employees to ensure they understand the importance of data security and the role they play in protecting sensitive information.

Use of secure email protocols (e.g., TLS)

The use of secure email protocols, such as Transport Layer Security (TLS), is essential in reducing email-based threats and improving data security. TLS is a protocol that encrypts email messages in transit, making it more difficult for unauthorized individuals to intercept and access sensitive information. When emails are sent over an unsecured network, such as the internet, they can be intercepted by attackers and potentially stolen or manipulated.

By using TLS, the connection between email servers is secured, and the email message is encrypted, so only the sender and the intended recipient can access it. This helps prevent interception and unauthorized access, protecting sensitive information such as personal data, financial information, and confidential business information.

Using secure email protocols like TLS can also help prevent phishing attacks, where attackers try to steal sensitive information by impersonating a trusted sender. TLS can help verify the sender’s identity, ensuring that the email is actually coming from the expected source and hasn’t been spoofed.

Implementing secure email protocols can also help organizations meet compliance regulations and standards such as GDPR, HIPAA, and PCI-DSS. These regulations require the use of secure email protocols to protect sensitive data, and failure to comply can result in significant financial penalties.

Regular backup of data and email archives

Regular backups of data and email archives are essential for reducing email-based threats and improving data security. Backing up data regularly ensures that valuable information is not lost or stolen in case of a cyber-attack, system failure, or accidental deletion.

Email archives contain important information that can be used as evidence in legal or compliance matters, and can also serve as a historical record for the organization. By regularly backing up email archives, organizations can ensure that they have access to all their email communication in case of a disaster or data loss event.

Backups should be done on a regular basis and stored in a secure location, preferably off-site or in the cloud. In the event of a ransomware attack or other cyber-attack, a backup of the data and email archives will allow the organization to restore lost or encrypted data and continue its operations without paying the ransom or losing valuable information.


Regular backups also provide an opportunity to test the restore process, ensuring that the backup data is complete and accurate and can be restored successfully. This helps to identify any potential issues or errors in the backup process, allowing organizations to take corrective action to ensure the integrity of their backup data.

In summary, regular backups of data and email archives are a crucial component of reducing email-based threats and upholding better data security. By backing up data and email archives regularly, organizations can ensure that their information is protected from cyber-attacks, system failures, or accidental loss, and can continue their operations without major disruptions.

Audit trails and logging of email activities

Audit trails and logging of email activities are important in reducing email-based threats and improving data security because they provide a record of all email activities that can be used to investigate security incidents, monitor compliance, and detect unusual or unauthorized behavior. By maintaining a detailed record of all email communications and activities, organizations can trace the source of email-based threats, track suspicious behavior, and take appropriate action to prevent data breaches.

Audit trails can also help organizations to meet regulatory and compliance requirements, as they provide evidence of adherence to security policies and standards. Email activities such as sending, receiving, and deleting messages, opening attachments, and accessing email accounts, should be logged and monitored for potential security incidents. By monitoring email activities, organizations can quickly detect and respond to security incidents, such as phishing attacks or unauthorized access attempts.


Furthermore, audit trails and logging can help organizations to identify vulnerabilities and weaknesses in their email security infrastructure, and take proactive steps to strengthen their defenses. For instance, by analyzing audit trails, organizations can identify patterns of behavior that indicate potential risks, and take steps to address these risks before they are exploited by attackers.

Incident response plan and regular testing

An incident response plan and regular testing can help reduce rising email-based threats and uphold better data security by providing a structured approach to identifying, containing, and responding to security incidents. The plan should outline procedures for assessing the severity of an incident, notifying the appropriate stakeholders, and mitigating the impact of the incident. It should also include guidelines for preserving evidence and investigating the cause of the incident.

Regular testing of the incident response plan is critical to ensure that it is effective and up-to-date. This can involve running simulations of various security incidents, such as phishing attacks or malware infections, to evaluate the organization’s ability to respond and identify areas for improvement. By identifying and addressing weaknesses in the response plan, organizations can better protect against email-based threats and minimize the impact of security incidents.


Regular testing can also help organizations to stay current with emerging threats and evolving attack techniques. This can enable them to anticipate and prevent potential incidents before they occur. Testing and updating the incident response plan should be a continuous process to ensure that it remains effective and relevant to the organization’s needs.

In summary, having an incident response plan and regularly testing it can help organizations reduce email-based threats by providing a structured approach to identifying and responding to security incidents. It can also enable organizations to stay current with emerging threats and evolving attack techniques, and identify areas for improvement in their security measures.


How to reduce email bounce rate?

Register your domain, stay away from free sender domains, think about using double opt-in frequently purge your email lists, evaluate and divide up your email lists, make interesting email content, Use a reputable email service provider (ESP), and continue to track email performance and deliverability.

How can the risk of sending emails be reduced?

Use End-to-End Encrypted Protected Emails, Inform your staff, secure the implementation from the start, limit administrator rights, monitor passwords, and please refrain from downloading suspicious email attachments.

How e-commerce threats can be minimized?

Choosing a safe e-commerce platform is one approach to shield your website from security risks. When checking out, use a secure connection (SSL). Don’t keep private user information, Ensure that your users use secure passwords, Use tracking numbers for all orders and set up system warnings for questionable activity.

Which mitigation strategies might be effective in handling threats caused by network monitoring?

Access control is the most significant and effective mitigation approach for dealing with dangers in relation to network monitoring.

Ways to reduce threats in a computer through email?

Use Protected Emails with End-to-End Encryption. which uses an encryption key that is not in the server’s possession to encrypt all data before it is transferred to a server. When there is a server level compromise, encryption aids in securing your emails from data leaks. 

Read More : The risks of reusing passwords and the benefits of using password managers

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